Saturday, January 21, 2012

Peace out Kindergarten, Peace out Miss Te-wa

When I leave from Kindergarten to head over to High School, I have started a little goodbye saying, and they love it!  I say, "Peace out Kindergarten!" (while doing a peace sign).  Then they repeat, "Peace out Miss Te-wa (Tara)...hehehe!" (while doing the peace sign).  It is unbelievably adorable!!  Here are some pictures from Kindergarten!

This is the classroom!  Please note Neissah picking her nose (middle of the left side)...haha!  Mme. Jim is reading a book about snow to them.

This is the left side of the room.  That is Mme. Herbert, she is the most encouraging aide, always giving them a thumbs up, rubbing their cheeks, and smiling at them.  It is my favorite quality of hers.  You can see the students names on their desks.  Hans (the boy pointing) LOVES to show off his english speaking skills (in the middle of class...)

Oh, Mme. Michel!!!  She is definitely pregnant, due the beginning of March.  She is also extremely uncomfortable, bless her heart.  This picture depicts her demeanor most of the time.

That is all for now...I will be sure to post more.  Thank you so much to each of you who have allowed and help me to be here.  I was monitoring bathroom time the other day and almost started tearing up I was so rekonesan (grateful).

I love you very much!  And of course...
To God be the glory!

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