Sunday, January 29, 2012

Some EXCELLENT Students!

Everyday that goes by, I love these kids more and more.  I tell them that ever since I was a little kid, all I have ever wanted is to be a Mom.  I think that would be the best job around.  I tell them that God has not blessed me with my own kids, but He sure has blessed me with YOU!  And that for the time being YOU are my kids!!!  I love it when one of them gets hurt (that sounds awful, but...) and I can pull them to the side clean it up, give them a band aid, a hug and a kiss.  Or when they walk into the classroom  giving their morning kisses, and one of them decides to give me a BIG bear hug with it.  To quote Rascal Flatts, "I melt!"

Above are Stevenly and Anexcandre.  They are in Kindergarten and are twins, and they are very smart, leaders, responsible, and the other kids seem happier when they are around.  They are some of the first to raise their hands when I ask a question, to complete their worksheets ready to be checked, and of course first ready to go outside for recess.  I never have to worry about them or discipline them (even during bathroom time!).  They are just well rounded good kids!  Stevenly is left handed...I am so jealous!  Not to mention they are BEAUTIFUL!  I tell Anexcandre how beautiful she is everyday.  Look at her eyes.  And they may be brother and sister, but you can tell they are twins by how much they look alike!

Now let's get to High School.  I was most scared about the Juniors and Seniors, but I think I enjoy them the most.  I love being able to have real conversations with them.  Below is Yvory (pronounced E-vory).  Holy moly do I love this kid.  Last week he had a cold and would blow his nose in the middle of class, when he did it made a loud horn sound.  I told him he made me miss my dad because that's how he sounds when he blows his nose.  I didn't know that was such a big deal until everyone started laughing...oops.  He is also left handed like my Dad so I said that he doubly reminded me of my Dad.  I didn't know that was funny but apparently it is.  Saturday I had the Juniors and Seniors over to watch Moby Dick, always a good time.  After the movie they stayed over a little longer to talk.  Yvory told this hilarious story of an old man and his dentures falling out while talking.  This is him in the middle of the story...I loved his facial expressions.  Then I also said that he reminded me of an old man with his mannerisms.  Well by golly, they thought that was funny too!  And poor Yvory his new nickname is "Grandpa-Yvory".  He quoted Moby Dick and said, "May God forgive you!"  It was HILARIOUS!  I loved having them over.  I love being able to open up my home, make some yummy treats and spend time with them outside the classroom.

The last group that visited brought some seeds that would be able to grow vegetation here in Haiti.  I am trying to grow tomatoes, sunflowers, and soy beans let's hope this works out!

And, Roger and Norma Alexander (the family that started Sonlight) have 6 six children (3 of which live here).  Last Sunday, they lost one of their daughters, Lori, and it was completely heartbreaking.  It was sudden, and she had a daughter, Riley who is 9.  Her husband passed away in an accident 4 years ago, so now Riley at 9 has had to experience the death of her father, and now mother.  Thankfully, she comes from a wonderful family and will definitely be taken care of.  If you think of it, please pray for comfort for the Alexander family.

Thank you so much to everyone!  I love you more than you know!

To God be the glory (in everything!)!!!!

PS Don't worry Giants fans, you will beat the Patriots in the Superbowl yet again because I am a Patriots fan.  I can already see the newspaper headlines in my head, "Belichick and Brady Unable to Win a Superbowl against Eli."  Sad day.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Tara, this is such a wonderful update. It is so full of life....good times and sad ones too. Will pray for the Alexander family....only the Lord knows the whys....all we can do is trust and pray.
    Hope you are settling back into Haiti fine. Can't wait to to get back to Africa. Paul is joining me on his first African trip on Friday...please pray for a special time and God's view of the work I am called to do with CURE. Blessings and keep on smiling!
