I love life here, and am very thankful for the opportunity to be here. It was probably because I was tired this week (and a little bit on the emotional side, cough, cough), but I was missing some things from home this week. My family is by far what I miss the most, holy moly, especially my Dad. I only see him about once a month, but sheesh, I miss daily phone calls (I also miss my constant Mom text messages). The past few years he has become one of my best friends. If I EVER need to talk something out, vent out my frustrations, or talk about something that made me overflow with joy: call Daddy Cell. We talk every Sunday night, but it’s not the same.
I am also a little sad because I miss my Aunt and cousins (Jimmy-Boy too, I guess :D). My little cousins are growing up so fast, and I am missing it! Nicholas is driving, Mariah is now 14, Madison will be a teenager soon, Mckenna is getting tall, Emily is in first grade and beginning to READ…holy moly! I haven’t been to one of their sporting events in over a year! I am actually thankful for facebook, it helps me to stay up to date. In some ways I have felt guilty about being here. Not seeing my family, not being able to help them out. If anything I have felt as if I am burden to them. But that is just satan and his lies…obviously. Nothing about that is excellent, right, true, lovely, or praiseworthy. DUH!
I miss BSF, I miss my Saturday morning meetings and the rich, scripture focused conversation that stems from it (and the Panera breakfasts afterward :D). I miss being surrounded by excellent women who have been devoted to God, His Word, His people and who have lived it out! I miss the kids and Mom’s on Monday nights and all the hugs! Surprisingly, I have not had very much scripture focused, challenging, though provoking conversations here. But thankfully, God has provided a new outlet for that, I am pumped!
I miss the girls I work with and their families!!!!!! I miss meeting people at the arboretum and having walk/talks (God has blessed me with that here in Haiti though…AWESOME!) I miss meeting friends at Orange Leaf. I miss my Thursday night family. I miss cooking/baking for them. I miss meeting half way for Cracker Barrel dates. :D
With all of that said, God spoke to me this morning. I spent time in Hebrews 11-13, good morning if you ask me! It never has before, but Hebrews 11:10 leapt off the page into my heart.
“For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.”
WOW! Abraham, was willing to sacrifice his one son to God after be blessed him with Isaac because all he saw before him was the city that God built. That was his focus. Things of the world did not matter. Then God reminded me of Philippians 3:20, my citizenship belongs in Heaven! Not in Kentucky, or Haiti, but in Heaven. This life is nothing but a vapor. And He reminded me of one of the hardest scriptures I have ever had to swallow, Luke 9:61-62:
“Still another said, “I will follow you Lord; but first let me go back and say goodby to my family.” Jesus replied, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the Kingdom of God.”
I remember reading this a year ago and thinking, I would miss my family so much that it would be utterly difficult to up and leave them. Bu here I am, one year later. But I want to live a life that reflects Christ that is not focused on storing up treasures here on earth that will wither away. But storing up treasures for the Kingdom of God, to love anyone who God puts before me, to encourage them in the Word. I love it when God speaks peace to me (it is always easier and more comforting to take than discipline :D)
God is good, I am thankful to be able to have a relationship with Him. I pray that people see Him and not Tara Hibbs…she’s a loser without Him. I love and miss you dearly. Let me know how I can pray for you. Imagine I just sent you a funny text message :D!
To God be the Glory, in everything!!!!
Thanks for sharing your heart! Those truths about out citizenship being in heaven and the brevity of this life in the scope of eternity help me when I am far from home and missing Paul and the family and BSF (still!) Praying your heart is comforted and your thoughts flow to pleasant assurances of joy, peace, love and consolation from the Lord! Love you sweet sister, keeping you close in prayer!